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The Case Study on the Thoughtful Strategies from the Issues of Educational Marketing and Marketization
作者 湯堯
This research aims to explore as a whole how educational marketing issues have influenced those education strategies from the institutional staffs' points of view. In aspects such as, but not limited to, the process of educational marketing concept mainly includes school function, service clients and social welfare. From the practical implementation, the interaction between internal marketing and external marketing, strategically educational marketing contents are explored in this paper. It also gives an overall review and discusses six constructive programs about marketing strategy. They are analyzed as the following: creative idea marketing strategy; dealing crisis out marketing strategy; client-oriented service marketing strategy; market-oriented marketing strategy; alliance marketing strategy and reputation marketing strategy. Each of them is exampled by the empirical on-site observation and involvement. On the basis of the development of institutional commitment for the administration staffs involved and the thoughts and reflections from the leader involved, this research elaborates on everything from the background and the outcome of this program to the reflections on Taiwan's education system at large. It is hoped that, with the suggestions put forward in the end, Taiwan institutions will be able to improve its entire education framework and construct an environment more efficiency and effectiveness to future implementation of school development. Three key issues raised by the end of this paper are leader determination, political influence and finance support. It is also hoped that, from the challenge of education marketization, school leaders are expected as the key person of cultural transformation while facing the operations of educational marketing.
起訖頁 157-176
關鍵詞 策略性教育行銷教育行政領導行銷策略教育市場化strategically educational marketingeducational administration and leadershipmarketing strategyeducational marketization
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 201011 (24期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 網路合作學習評量之探究




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