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Micropolitical Analysis of Parental Participation in School Decision-Making: Balancing the Possibilities of Contradictions and Paradoxes
作者 梁金都
The study is aimed at understanding the styles of conflicting ideologiesbetween parental participation and micropolitical strategies in school decisionmakingprocess. This is a case study of ‘Z’ Elementary School and the researchparticipants consist of principal, president of parental association, vicepresident of parental association, and four teachers. The researcher had adoptedparticipatory observation and interview as methods and had immersed in theresearch field so long for fully understanding the formation process of theparental participation in the elementary school setting. After discussing andanalyzing the collected data, the following conclusions are as follows. First, theideological contradictions between the parentocracy, bureaucracy andprofessionalism vary with events and thereby come in different forms. Theformation process is dynamic. Furthermore, the various attributes of conflictingideology styles may greatly influence the orientation of political strategies.Most of the parental empowerments take forms in intimidation and controlwhile other parents still adopt the strategies of support and compliment for thepromotion of school innovation. The principal, facing parental empowerments,mostly either caters to or complies with parents demands. Nonetheless, the principal often adopts the strategy of persuasion to confront with theprofessionalists, teachers. Eventually, teachers tend to use confrontations,favoritism or complying strategies to meet with the demands of parentalempowerment.
起訖頁 127-175
關鍵詞 家長參與意識形態微觀政治Parental participationIdeologyMicropolitical analysis
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 201005 (23期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 國中國文教科書中學生角色之分析~民國四十到九十年代的變遷
該期刊-下一篇 社經地位在學校及學生層次對不同年級學科領域素養解釋力之探討




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