英文摘要 |
This study explores the changing of the student role described inthe Chinese Literature Textbooks of the junior high school with theversions from 1950's to 2010's. By the method of content analysis, thestatements of student role illustrated in these versions of textbookswere identified with a total frequency of 570. These data weresubsequently analyzed by Frequencies, and Chi-square test using SPSSfor windows 14.0 as software. The findings of this study aresummarized as follows.1. Three categories of student role which are personalcharacteristic, learning attitude and performance as well as moral andbehavior were identified in these textbooks.2. According to the ratio of frequency, the rank of the threecategories was learning attitude and performance, moral and behavior,personal characteristic in all six decades' versions except the versionof 1960's.3. After 1990's, a decline curve was found in the frequency-timeplot of the three categories of student role described in these textbooks. It reveals the content of moral education in the Chinese LiteratureTextbooks is decreasing after 1990's.4. The ranks of these three categories were identical in thedifferent versions published by different bookstores in 2010's.The recommendations of this study are also suggested. |