中文摘要 |
When gender discrimination is caused by traditional culture orgender stereotype in society, it's hard to decide that gender equality ortraditional culture should be priority. In 2015, Taiwan's ConstitutionalCourt (Judicial Yuan) and the Supreme Court of Japan both had thecases which were about the conflict between gender equality andtraditional culture. Because of the words used in the laws are quiteobjective in form, but gender discriminations are caused by the lawsessentially. The laws are all about the core of marriage and familysystem which are constructed by family name, property and worshipancestor in particular. These disputes are the Statutes GoverningAncestor Worship Guilds stipulates in Taiwan, and Japan Civil lawthat enforce married couple who must use the same family name. Inmy observations, I think the courts ignored the facts of indirectdiscrimination in gender when taking balance between gender equalityand traditional culture. Therefore, they neglected the importance ofCEDAW and only took rational standard judicial review. As a result,Taiwan and Japan lost opportunity to practice gender equality andimprove the traditional culture. |