中文摘要 |
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is one of an importantadministration procedure during review development cases in recentyears. This institution pursues procedure legitimacy, and it depends oncitizen participation. However, EIA concern more and more values inits institution, procedure design is more rigorous. Not only litigantsand interested parties in each case participate in EIA procedure, butalso a lot of Non-government-organizations (NGOs) exercise in thisinstitution. Hoe EIA treats NGOs? Can NGOs exert what kind offunctions? Can NGOs' participation help EIA decisions pursuelegitimacy? This article analyses these questions by theories of “DueProcess of Law” and “Democracy Principle”. On order to responds thecharacteristics of environmental cases, this article concludes EIAinstitution can take into account a lot of dimensions, such as publicinterests and individuals' right, pre-prevention and post-supervision,pollutions and nature conservations, international cooperation, throughNGOs participate in EIA procedure. Therefore, we could implementdemocracy principle, find questions in each case, insure decisions arecorrect, and pursue administrative effectiveness from NGOs participatein EIA procedure. So this article concludes we should design differentNGO participation procedure for different type of development cases base on efficiency. Through the institution's guide, NGOs can exert its'functions, strength the capacity of institution. Finally, EIA can pursueration decisions really. |