中文摘要 |
Government regulations specify the installation location and spec. of fire doors, which can separate the building into fire compartments and protect egress paths from smoke invasion. It's essential to ensure that fire doors remain closed so the fire-proof ability of the building is ensured. Government regulations also specify that building owners and users should maintain proper usage of structure and equipment in buildings, and closure status of fire doors must be continually inspected. To provide a durable monitor system to manage closure status of fire doors meets market requirements and can promote enhanced security of buildings. Daily effort for security guards and inspectors to check the closure status of fire doors is required, therefore we want to design and develop a management system to reduce facility maintenance costs.
政府法規對於防火門的應設場所與設置規範有明文要求,能讓建築物透過防火區劃的建置來保護逃生通道免於火煙的侵害;因此必須讓常閉式防火門保持在關閉狀態,讓建築物確保其防火效能。政府法規也規定建物所有權人與使用人應維護建築物構造及設備合法使用,其中常閉式防火門的閉合狀態是屬於其中的檢查項目。因此提供可持續性監控的防火門管理系統,是符合市場需求並且能夠提升建物之安全性能。目前為確保防火門的閉合狀態,需要建物管理人員提供日常維護人力,因此我們計劃使用物聯網技術,來建立防火門的管理系統,提供更有效的管理方式並且能夠減少設施維護人力。 |