中文摘要 |
Rainwater harvesting system has been widely used as an alternative solution to solve the insufficient access of clean water. The optimized utilization of rainwater system creates maximum effectiveness. In this research, an evaluation indicator and cluster zoning map are proposed, the rainfall data are used to create a rainwater harvesting system guideline for architectural planning in Java Island, Indonesia. The mechanism is a practical process to identify the decision-making and assess the optimal solution. Rainfall data are arranged and analyzed using statistical programs. The evaluation indicator can be used to review the proposed design and achieve optimization of rainwater harvesting system utilization.
由於乾淨水源的短缺,雨水收集系統一直都是被廣泛運用的替代方案,這個系統的最佳化使用率可以創造最大的效益,然而這個系統卻尚未在印尼盛行。本研究以印尼爪哇島的降雨數據做評估,藉此建立一套用於建築規劃中的雨水收集系統指標,一個可確立決策過程與量化評估方案的實用系統。本論文使用統計軟體對降雨數據進行分析與重新排列,此數據處理程序是基於台灣雨水收集系統的實際應用方法與經驗,藉由本評估指標可評估擬議中的建築設計,協助爪哇島中建築雨水收集系統利用率的優化。本研究結果驗証了此評估指標可以依照不同地區的降雨特徵進行系統設計。 |