中文摘要 |
This paper reviews the history and practices of geometry rationalization in non-standard architecture. Referring to numerous examples, the changing role of the architect between the Gothic era and today is discussed along with the architect's interaction with the allied professions, in particular that of the structural engineer. It is shown that advanced geometry rationalization has been part and parcel of non-standard architecture for over a century. Following a decade in which this practice intensified markedly due to advances in digital modeling technology, the paper takes stock of this design challenge between sensational effect, industry transformation and a re-emergence of the master builder paradigm. It discusses different geometry rationalization practices by distinguishing pre-, co- and post-rationalization, their bearing on the two architectural agendas of immersion into detailed technological design development on the one hand and of its delegation to supporting collaborators on the other hand, and the consequent possibilities of disciplinary integration and disassociation.
本文探討幾何化(Geometry Ralionalization)應用於非典型建築物的歷史背景及實務操作。參考多件實際案例,探討建築師從過去哥德式時代到現代建築當中角色的轉換,同時也檢視建築師與相關專業之間,尤其是與結構工程師之間的互動。結果顯示過去百年來,隨著幾何化技術的演進,其應用已成為非典型建築物不可或缺的一部份。特別是過去十多年來,數位造型技術的進步,更大幅促進這方面的應用。本文進一步地分析建築師在考量感官效果、產業轉型,及再度興起的工匠進築師(Master Builder)角色之間,所必須面對的設計挑戰。分別探討在應用前、應用中、應用後等三個階段中,不同的幾何化操作,其應用在兩大建築設計介入模式所造成的影響,及兩種模式所可能造成的專業領域上的整合或切離。這兩種模式,一者是建築師自身投入細部設計技術發展,另一者則將此部份的工作委任合作團隊裡的相關專業成員。 |