中文摘要 |
The algorithms of the log normal distribution curve fitting were used to plot their corresponding repair cost probability curves which were based on the concept of fragility curve and used the PGA as the independent variable. The damaged nonstructural components of hospital buildings during the Chi-Chi earthquake in 1999 were investigated in this study.The probability of repair cost of nonstructural components at a certain PGA can be predicted and evaluated from the repair cost probability curves. The seismic capacity, loss probability, and corresponding repair cost of the nonstructural components can be also considered by the building owners.
本研究針對醫院建築中非結構物,在921集集地震的震損資料,分析其多修復金額機率曲線。文中以易損性曲線為基本架,取PGA為工程需求參數,應用對數常態分、MCEER存活率分析、非線性曲線迴歸等概念延伸發展,將應變數由損壞機率變更為超越某一修復金額的發生機率,建立修復金額機率曲線。從修復金額機率曲線中,可以得知非結構物在經歷某PGA時,超越某修復金額的發生機率,可於災後迅速評估災損,或提供業主於建築設計階段評估耐震性能的考量,以及若不予以改善所需面對的損失金額與可能機率。 |