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A Case Study of Flood Contingency Measures in Five Nursing Homes in Southern Taiwan
作者 陳柏宗 (Po-Tsung Chen)溫如慧
The elderly have been well-documented as an increasing percentage of the population and are at higher risk in the event of disasters. This qualitative study investigates contingency measures necessary for nursing homes and addresses key factors in disaster preparation. This study provides a case study analysis of five Taiwanese nursing homes that were flooded during Typhoon Morakot in 2009. The research involved semi-structured surveys of five directors and 14 staff members on-site. The results identify 12 concerns revealed by the ill-equipped facilities, three of which were not identified in an initial review of the literature. This paper provides a checklist and suggestions that are used to prepare counter-measures for future disasters. The research results indicate that disaster preparation is critical and that governments or their agencies should establish corresponding regulations for nursing homes and furnish proper assistance during the disaster recovery process. 對於水災發生時在養護機構接受照顧的高齡者如何降低受到傷害的風險,已是人口持續高齡化的社會所必需正視的課題。本研究以深入訪談與現場觀察的研究方法,對在台灣南部曾在莫拉克颱風期間遭受水患入侵並進行撤離的養護機構做為研究對象,對5名機構負責人與14名工作人員進行深入的訪談,探討養護機構面對水災所應考量的應變措施與關鍵因子。研究成果顯示,既有的機構面對水災需建立基本檢核表以對應水災可能造成的傷害;機構本身對應災變能力極為有限,政府需主動提供資源以協助養護機構對應水災,新建機構應在設計階段便對水災可能的對應與高齡者的避難方式進行考量。惟有在水災發生前即有妥適的災變應對計畫與準備,方能在水災發生時使高齡者免於水災的威脅並維持原有的在地生活,且政府在其中更扮演著規範制定與主動提供必要協助的重要角色。
起訖頁 1-12
關鍵詞 防災計畫養護機構撤離颱風Disaster planningNursing homesEvacuationTyphoon
刊名 Architecture Science  
期數 201206 (5期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-下一篇 醫院建築中非結構物之震損金額機率曲線研究




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