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Reshaping “My City”: from Xi Xi's My City to Ke Lok's The Whale City
作者 鄒文律
西西的《我城》無疑是香港文學中的經典作品,為日後一系列以書寫香港為要旨的作品提供了參照的範例。出生於上世紀70年代末的香港青年作家可洛(梁偉洛),2009年出版的《鯨魚之城》襲用西西《我城》部分的小說主角,設想他們生活在21世紀第一個十年的香港之所思所感。本文聚焦於《我城》和《鯨魚之城》的互文分析,考察兩部文本之間的對話交流,探討《鯨魚之城》在襲用《我城》三位人物阿果、阿髮、阿游時運用的寫作策略及其創新。此外,本文亦會援引「發展主義」理論來闡釋小說對香港當下及未來的思考,探討小說如何展現出青年作家對「我城」的憂思,以及對「我城」發展路向的期許。 My City, authored by Xi Xi, is undoubtedly a classic in Hong Kong literature. It provides a good example for a series of later works aiming at writing about Hong Kong. Ke Lok (Leung Wai-lok), a Hong Kong young writer born in the late 70s of the last century, has taken over some characters from Xi Xi's My City in The Whale City, published in 2009, which imagines their thoughts and feelings of living in Hong Kong in the first decade of the 21st Century. This paper focuses on the intertextuality between My City and The Whale City. It examines the dialogue and communication between the two texts, and discusses the writing strategies adopted by The Whale City which was taken over from My City in describing three characters: A-Guo, A-Fa, and A-You, and its innovation. Furthermore, this paper also cites the theory of developmentalism to explain the novel's pondering over the present and future of Hong Kong, and explores how the novel reflects the young writer's worries about “My City” and his expectations on the future directions of “My City”.
起訖頁 31-68
關鍵詞 西西《我城》文本互涉發展主義香港文學Xi XiMy CityintertextualitydevelopmentalismHong Kong literature
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 201812 (36期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 現代新儒家梁漱溟的自覺觀
該期刊-下一篇 「意在筆先」考--以繪畫理論為中心




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