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The “Self-Awareness" Thoughts of Contemporary New Confucianist Liang Shu-Ming
作者 黃文樹 (Wen-Shu Huang)
現代新儒家的開創者梁漱溟,自青年時代起以至生命後期,幾未中輟「自覺」觀的論述,「自覺」成為他的思想體系及日用常行的重要環節。梁氏的自覺觀,可歸納為下列七點:一、就其定義言,謂自覺即良知、獨知、明德;二、就其來源言,主張自覺是人心內蘊,生而俱有;三、就其性質言,自覺是心力的樞紐、自發的高峰、意識的資藉、其方向向上;四、就其掩蔽言,歸因於人心有「一息之懈」及囿於習氣;五、就其長養言,列舉靜默、發願力、毋自欺、自我要求、親師取友等功夫;六、就其作用言,肯定有自覺才能改造自己、創造成就、獲得美好生活;七、就其價值言,確信自覺是人最寶貴的東西,反己自覺是中國學問的精華。這些觀點,相當新穎、深切、務實,頗值參考。 From his youth to later life, a pioneer of modern new Confucianism, Liang Shu-Ming, almost never stopped his discourse on “self-awareness," which had become one of the important elements of his thought system and daily life. Liang's thought of “self-awareness" can be summarized in the following six points: 1. In terms of definition, self-awareness means conscience, independent knowledge and virtue. 2. In terms of its origin, self-awareness is the inner content of a human mind, which is inborn. 3. In terms of quality, self-awareness is the axis of mind, climax of spontaneity, and means of consciousness, with an upward direction. 4. In terms of hidden part, it is attributed to the fact that a human mind may slack off at a moment and easily falls into bad habits. 5. In terms of long-term cultivation, it focuses on keeping silent, making wishes, never cheating oneself, setting standards for oneself, getting close to teachers and learning from friends. 6. In terms of value, one believes that self-awareness is the most precious thing. These viewpoints of Liang are quite innovative, practical and deep in thought, which are worth for reference.
起訖頁 1-29
關鍵詞 梁漱溟自覺現代新儒家Liang Shu-mingself-awarenessContemporary new Confucianism
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 201812 (36期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-下一篇 重塑「我城」--從西西《我城》到可洛《鯨魚之城》




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