中文摘要 |
Previous studies have indicated that adequate health literacy does not guarantee propereating behavior; there a knowledge-behavior gap exists between health literacy and eating behavior.This study attempts to elucidate the causes of this phenomenon. We first conducted a pilot survey toconfirm the existence of the knowledge-behavior gap and found that individuals with a master’s degree or higher are prone to appear the gap. Then, a subsample of six highly-educated female participants withhigh average score on health literacy and low average on eating behavior was subsequently interviewed.The interviews reveal that the knowledge-behavior gap is caused by social and personal factors. Socialfactors, constructing an unhealthy diet environment, include poor eating habits from family of origin, peerinfluences on unhealthy food choices; media promote unhealthy food, and unhealthy food environment.Personal factors facilitating unhealthy eating include ignoring vegetables and fruits, social and hedoniceffects of unhealthy food, and insufficient motivation to change. We thereby propose an exploratoryconceptual framework of the knowledge-behavior gap between health literacy and diet for furtherinvestigation. |