中文摘要 |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between climate conditions,vehicle variables, regional factors and food logistic carbon emission. The research collected data of foodlogistic related carbon emissions and meteorological data through qualitative research methods, andused the SPSS Statistics to discuss the determinants of food logistic carbon emissions and food logistic carbon emissions predictive model. The results showed that there is significant correlation betweenvehicle mileage, transport shops, sum of business and the amount of food logistic carbon emissions (p<0.05), and rainfall has negative correlation between vehicle mileage and food logistic carbon emissions (p<0.05). Meanwhile, the climate conditions, vehicle variables, and food logistic carbon emission indifferent business area are significant differences (p<0.05). This study further used regression analysisto investigate the food logistic carbon emissions determinants, the regression model of food logistic carbonemission is: Carbon Emissions = 0.323× [vehicle mileage] +0.225× [sum of business] +2779.375.Based on the above conclusions, it provides references for the food logistic industry to formulate a strategyfor reducing carbon emissions. |