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A Value Analysis of Promoting Renovation of Old and Dilapidated Buildings
作者 姜廷宜林景棋沈旭明
推動都市危險及老舊建築物加速重建與都市更新已成為台灣民眾當前最迫切解決的公共議題。由於不動產市場波動、業者削價競爭、都市更新案從整合至完工結案入住需五至十年以上的時間等變異因素,多數公司多處於損益兩平或經營困難的狀況。本研究從Osterwalder & Pigneur(2010)的獲利時代之商業模式分析台北市案例,並從都市更新產業於商業模式的創新,將著重於實現社會需求與民眾認知,作為研究主軸。本研究假設:為都市危險及老舊建築物與都市更新之需求與認知,在與實踐之間存有落差。本文提出建議:以更重視保障人民居住安全、推動都市危險及老舊建築物與落實都市更新規範意旨,以供作後續研究者繼續鑽研更具學理性論述的參考。 Presently, boosting renovations of old and dilapidated buildings in the cities and urbanrenewal are the most pressing public issue in Taiwan. Due to the small size of the real estatemarket, price competition among businesses, and urban renewal cases taking an average offive to ten years to conclude, most companies are either breaking even or facing operationaldifficulties. This study analyzed the case of Taipei City with reference to Business ModelGeneration by Osterwalder and Pigneur (2010) and used the innovative business models ofurban renewal, which emphasize meeting social needs and promoting public understandingas the basis of the research. This study hypothesizes that there is a disparity between theurban renewal needs of old and dilapidated buildings and the public understanding of theissue. This article proposed suggestions that prioritize the safety of residents, the renovationof old and dilapidated buildings, and the implementation of urban renewal policies, whichcan be used as guidance by researchers for conducting future academic studies.
起訖頁 38-46
關鍵詞 老舊建築物都市更新商業服務模式創新價值經營管理Urban renewalBusiness service modelInnovative valueManagement
刊名 物業管理學報  
期數 201903 (10:1期)
出版單位 臺灣物業管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 運用平衡計分卡建構評估公共建設公私協力(PPP)專案績效認知關鍵因素之研究
該期刊-下一篇 火場通風排煙配置對於消防搶救安全性模擬分析之研究──以鐵皮結構建築物為例




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