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国际经济法学刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Research on the Interaction between Bilateral Investment Treaties and the Construction of Multilateral Investment Regulations
作者 董靜然
At present, BITs are the main forms of the international investment regulations. However, with the changes of the investment situation of different countries, the developed countries start to care about the public interests and the developing countries begin to think about the investment protection. This is the reason of BITs tend to be consistent from guiding principles to clause. Multilateral investment regulations are more competitive and more aligned with the economic development tendency and the common interests of the world. Multilateral investment regulations are the future direction of the international investment law and BITs are just one of the development phases of the multilateral investment regulations. In history, the negotiations on the multilateral investment regulations have been frustrated many 廿mes, but the content of the negations guided the development of the BITs. Nowadays the convergence of the BITs from the content, most favored treatment clause and the practice of the investment arbitration to afford solid foundation for the construction of the multilateral investment regulations. The interaction between the BITs and the multilateral investment regulations is not conflict but mutual coordinate and mutual improve. The construction of the international investment regulations of the Belt and Road should not only be confined to the counties and regions along the Belt and Road but propose the Chinese proposal for the future ^multilateral investment regulations construction.
起訖頁 67-82
關鍵詞 雙邊投資協定多邊投資規則互動關係“一帶一路”倡議BITsMultilateral Investment RegulationsInteractive RelationsBelt and Road Initiative
刊名 国际经济法学刊  
期數 201807 (24:3期)
出版單位 廈門大學國際經濟法研究所
該期刊-上一篇 “一帶一路”倡議下新國際鐵路貨物聯運協定之法律規範解讀
該期刊-下一篇 個人-國家爭端解決機制中用盡當地救濟規則的發展──人權領域與投資領域之比較




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