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Textual Research on the Original Character “Tai 擡” of Dialect Word for “to bury” in the Minnan, Puxian, and Mindong Dialects
作者 徐芳敏
本文討論閩南、莆仙、閩東方言「掩埋,埋葬」義語詞⊆tai的本字問題,亦即為該方言語詞探尋其在古今漢語的同源詞進行討論,提出⊆tai的漢語同源詞即「臺/擡」。文中陳列諸多書證:包括古漢語、現代漢語口語詞、現代方言方言詞本字考釋與「類同引申」;探究閩南、莆仙、閩東方言「掩埋,埋葬」方言詞語料;提出「本字『臺』,今沿用分別文『擡』」之說;語音上「擡」與閩南、莆仙、閩東⊆tai聲母、韻母、聲調對應;「擡」ai韻母為閩語蟹攝一等開口白讀韻母。最後,提出建構本文的理論依據:藉由歷史詞義演變研究的「類同引申」來探究方言詞與漢語同源詞之間的語義聯繫關係。 This paper discusses the problematic dialect word ⊆tai “to bury” of Minnan 閩南, Puxian 莆仙, and Mindong 閩東 dialects. To begin, I explore dialect words found within both Classical Chinese and modern Hanyu and propose that tai is the Hanyu cognate tai/tai ( 臺/ 擡). By employing an ample and varied amount of evidence, including Classical Chinese, the modern vernacular, textual research on the original characters of modern dialects, and “lei tong yinshen 類同引申” (analogous extention), this paper enquires into the corpus of “to bury” of the three dialects and offers the notion “tai 擡 is still distinguished today from the original form of the character tai 臺.” Furthermore, the pronunciation of tai 擡 is homologous with the initial consonant, final, and tone of tai in Minnan, Puxian, and Mindong; the final “ai” of tai 擡 is a vernacular final belonging to xieshe 蟹攝 within Minyu 閩 語. Finally, considering the developing theoretical basis for this paper, one is able to probe the semantic relationship between dialect words and Hanyu cognates by researching the historical evolutions of the meanings of words and derivatives of the same types.
起訖頁 205-242
關鍵詞 閩南方言莆仙方言閩東方言本字考釋類同引申Minnan dialectsPuxian dialectsMindong dialectstextual research on the original charactertai臺tai擡analogous extention類同引申
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201812 (36:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 「婦言」的跨界與移動──以清末民初婦女報刊為觀察重心
該期刊-下一篇 《韻鏡》與人名命名──江戶韻學之文化面考察




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