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The Relationship between Yunjing and Naming during the Edo Period
作者 曾若涵
江戶時期韻學大興,韻學本身亦產生自悉曇學到等韻學的轉向,是故江戶韻學可說是圍繞《韻鏡》形成了特有的學術風潮。由於《韻鏡》在中國失傳已久,日本的《韻鏡》應用成了聲韻學史上不可或缺的一頁。日本《韻鏡》學除了語文學上的應用之外,也被拿來做為取名用字的依據。江戶時期不少日本人相信《韻鏡》的格位與音聲能判斷姓名之吉凶,故韻圖在日本除了學術之用,亦兼具庶民性與實用性的用途。本文欲以幾部江戶時期的《韻鏡》解說書及註釋書中關於「名乘字」的說明為研究對象,研究姓名學相關論述如何與《韻鏡》相涉,並藉此分析《韻鏡》如何應用於命名、及其應用的基礎理論,並探討對當時的社會之影響,以展現江戶韻學此一文化面向之特徵。 The study of traditional phonology was prevalent during the Edo period in Japan, and the focus of studies were shifting from explanations on Siddham 悉曇 to yuntu 韻圖(Chinese rhyme charts), so much so that academic trends were particularly centered on the chart Yunjing 韻鏡(Mirror of Rhymes). However, despite being an important historical document on phonology, Yunjing had failed to be handed down from generation to generation until the Qing dynasty. Fortunately, the numerous applications of Yunjing developed in Japan have allowed us to fill in several gaps regarding research on both Chinese and Japanese traditional phonology. Besides being essential for traditional phonology or philology, Yunjing was also used to select names for individuals. Due to each place on the chart of Yunjing standing for an equivalent sound within the Eight Trigrams 八卦, people during the Edo period believed that Yunjing could be used to determine whether a name was favorable or not based on its grammatical case and sound. This kind of mechanism for Japanese naming is referred to as nanorizi 名乘字, which along with commentaries and annotated works on Yunjing is the primary focus of this article. I argue that by analyzing nanorizi as well as fundamental theories on its application, we are able to further understand how Chinese rhyme charts, such as Yunjing, affected naming culture during the Edo period in Japan.be the semantic relationship between dialect words and Hanyu cognates by researching the historical evolutions of the meanings of words and derivatives of the same types.
起訖頁 243-283
關鍵詞 《韻鏡》名乘字江戶韻學文化轉型Yunjing韻鏡Mirror of Rhymesnanorizi名乘字Phonology during the Edo periodcultural transformation
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201812 (36:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 閩南、莆仙、閩東方言「掩埋,埋葬」義方言詞本字「擡」考釋
該期刊-下一篇 沃爾皮切粒──一名不見經傳的漢語音韻學家




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