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The Boundary-crossing and Traversing of “Women's Speech” in Women's Newspapers and Periodicals in the Late Qing and Early Republican Period
作者 黃錦珠
清末民初,多種婦女報刊持續問世,尤其是婦女主導的報刊,由女子出任編輯、主筆,號召女子寫作、發表,女作者得以公開發表言論,婦女著述能夠即時面向讀者大眾,不但突破「內言不出」的傳統閫域,婦女言論的內容,包括所關注的議題,也從婚姻、家庭等個人生活事務,擴張到社會、政治等攸關群眾的公共事務。始創於清末、綿延至民初的婦女報刊,既提供婦女文字流播的新途徑,也提供婦女言論議題展擴的新領域。傳統層層受限的「婦言」,不但跨越內外之界,且移向前所未及的空間。本文將以清末民初八種婦女創辦、主編的報刊為研究對象,且聚焦於其中女主筆、女作者的著述篇章,試圖觀察其言論議題的關注重心,期能發掘婦女言論跨界與移動的走向及其發展脈絡。 During the late Qing and early Republican period, women’s newspapers and periodicals began to appear and flourish in the rapidly growing world of media. Those which were penned, edited, and managed by women intellectuals provided a forum for women to step out from the inner quarters and publicize what they thought and felt in the form of published writings; hence, they obtained opportunities to face the public and cross the conventional gender and ethical boundaries established by traditional moralistic Confucian doctrines. The views expressed by women ranged from concerns over personal livelihood, such as family and marriage, to those regarding public affairs—politics, social issues, and so on. In other words, these newspapers and periodicals created new ways of seeing, feeling, and expression, and led women into the public domain which they were heretofore prohibited. Traditionally restricted fuyan 婦言 (women’s speech) was then able to cross conventional lines and traverse into a new sphere. This article concentrates on eight newspapers and periodicals and examines the writings of women editors and writers to see which issues were their central concerns and why. In this way, one is able to trace and delineate the development of crossing gender boundaries in society at that time.
起訖頁 175-204
關鍵詞 婦言婦女報刊女編輯清末民初跨界與移動fuyan婦言women’s speechwomen’s newspapers and periodicalswomen editorslate Qing and early Republican periodboundarycrossing and traversing
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201812 (36:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 《剪燈新話》〈牡丹燈記〉的傳播與改編──從《浮牡丹全傳》到《戲場花牡丹燈籠》
該期刊-下一篇 閩南、莆仙、閩東方言「掩埋,埋葬」義方言詞本字「擡」考釋




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