中文摘要 |
現今圖書館界面臨傳統圖書館自動化系統無法有效管理新型態多元資源與欠缺系統整合開放性的困境,站在圖書館管理系統亟需汰換與轉型的轉折點上,圖書館管理系統也在雲端與巨量應用的趨勢下,發生了根本性的變化,除了改善現有圖書館自動化系統的不足之處外,未來整併多種資源型式的單一管理平台的需求、創新應用服務的獨特性開創、以及雲端網路技術的實踐應用等趨勢發展,誕生了新世代的圖書館服務平台。本文透過當前市占率最高的兩大商業系統:Ex Libris Alma及OCLCWMS,探究兩者之廠商研發、雲端技術、系統特色、市場分析、延伸開創性應用等面向,藉由評析各系統的強弱差異與發展現況,供圖書館界選擇系統考量之參考,並期許有助圖書館服務平台研發方向。
Libraries nowadays are facing a dilemma that a traditional ILS system is unable to support increasingly complex multi-resource management and its closed architectures restrict system integration and service innovation. With the application trends of cloud computing and big data, library management system, at the point of transformation, needs fundamental change to make up for functionality absent in older ILS and consequently, library services platforms of new era, taking advantage of latest internet/cloud technologies, emerge that are tightly integrated to provide an “all in one” approach for library management. This article compares ExLibris Alma and OCLC WMS, two major LSPs with a significant presence in North America, in system research and development, cloud infrastructure, specific features and functionalities of each product, numbers and types of libraries that have implemented each product and capability to expand reader's services. Based on the analyses on system differentiation and existing functionalities of each product, the aim is to provide applicable references not only for libraries who will be working through system evaluation process, but also for LSP developers who will be working on system enhancement. |