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The Male Consciousness in Taiwan Modem Fiction
作者 柯慶明
「男性意識」被視為社會集體意識下所形塑的文化產物,男子具有的剛毅、堅強、勇武形象,在傳統以來的中國小說文本中,處處可見。文學作品中所反映的「男性」的「意識」,除了要強調男子必須在以男性為主的社會中,表達其求生存或謀發展的自覺與感懷之外;男性在面對女性之時,尤其是在生命中或生活上具有重要意義的女性,亦會產生某種身為「男性」的自覺意識。本文以數篇現代小說為分析文本,探討「男性」面對「女性」時,所呈顯出種種「男性意識」的情態。文中分別從「母親與其疊影」、「陌生的初體驗」、「情、慾,地位的辯證」、「夫主尊嚴的掙扎」、「生存意義的失落」等角度,觀察男性如何轉化其來自於母親形象的記憶,去面對成長過程中的性、理想與愛慾。透過本文的分析,這些小說中的男性角色們,將被揭示其如何在男性尊嚴與責任中往復周旋,並如何找尋著生存的意義、與符合社會所期待的的性別視野。 Male consciousness' has been regarded as a cultural construct formed by the collective consciousness of society, whereby men are imagined as being steadfast, strong and brave. This characteristic can be widely observed in the tradition of Chinese fiction. In addition to emphasizing that men should express their awareness and feelings when it comes to making a living for themselves or struggling to succeed in a male dominated society, this consciousness also produces a form of self-awareness that helps to identify oneself as 'man.' This aspect is most salient when men are confronted by women, particularly those women who mean a lot to them in their lives. This essay will examine several works of modem fiction and explore the different modes of male consciousness that surface when the 'male' is confronted with the 'female.' Exploring different aspects of male consciousness in these novels, such as the Mother and her overlapping images, the dialectic between love (qing) and lust (yu), the struggle for the dignity of husbands, and the loss for a reason to live, this paper attempts to analyze how men transform their memory of the image of the Mother when faced with sex, ideals, as well as love and desire (aiyu), in the course of growing up. Through an analysis of these novels, this paper aims to tease out how the men in these literary works are tom between male dignity and responsibility, as well as how they find a meaning for survival and a gendered perspective that meets social expectations.
起訖頁 41-78
關鍵詞 男性意識存在白先勇王文興七等生女性母親形象Male ConsciousnessExistenceBai Xian-yongWang Wen-xingQi Deng ShengFemaleThe Image of the Mother
刊名 臺灣文學研究集刊  
期數 201208 (12期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學臺灣文學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 《臺灣新民報》向右轉:賴慶與新民報日刊初期摩登化的文藝欄
該期刊-下一篇 周藍萍與〈綠島小夜曲〉傳奇




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