中文摘要 |
周藍萍作曲、潘英傑作詞的〈綠島小夜曲〉問世於1954年。1950年代後期,此曲經由廣播和電影成為臺灣聽眾熟悉的流行歌曲,並陸續藉著多家唱片出版流行於臺灣、香港、新加坡、馬來西亞、泰國,與中國大陸等地;1970年代之後,更由監獄、幫派與政治人士賦予了不同的詮釋。〈綠島小夜曲〉可謂銘刻著戰後臺灣的音樂與政治歷史,以及臺灣與亞洲音樂文化的連結,但目前仍缺乏完整嚴謹的學術討論。本文以〈綠島小夜曲〉作為研究對象,從以下角度來探討它的歷史、音樂形式與社會意涵:一、作曲者與創作背景:梳理周藍萍的音樂背景與生活經歷,從中了解〈綠島小夜曲〉的創作背景。二、廣播、電影的流傳與早期唱片出版:探掘〈綠島小夜曲〉由中廣公司播送、成為《阿美娜》電影插曲,及50、60年代的唱片出版史,了解它在臺灣的流行。三、文本分析:從周、潘的音樂背景與音樂思考,以及詞曲分析來討論〈綠島小夜曲〉具有什麼音樂形式特質。四、巨大流行:檢視〈綠島小夜曲〉在香港、新加坡、馬來西亞、泰國與大陸等地被翻唱的經過。五、政治詮釋:探討各種關於〈綠島小夜曲〉的紛歧傳說, 以了解臺灣人與大陸人如何並為何賦予此曲種種政治詮釋。
The Green Island Serenade is a famous and legendary popular song composed by Chou Lan Ping and written by Pan Ying Jeh in 1954. It has been widespread in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and China since late 1950s, and even been reinterpreted from the prisoner's and political views. However, thorough researches on this song have not been carried out yet. This paper attempts to explore the Green Island Serenade from both historical and analytical perspectives. First, Chou Lan Ping's musical backgrounds and life experiences are examined to address the question of why the Green Island Serenade was composed in the first place. Second, I try to give a picture of how the Green Island Serenade was distributed in the 1950s and 60s Taiwan by investigating its appearances in the broadcast system, film, and record publications. Third, an analysis of the lyrics and music of the song is provided to look into the musical structure of the Green Island Serenade. Fourth, I try to construct a map of how the Green Island Serenade was distributed in Asia during the 1960s and 70s. Finally, I will focus on various political interpretations of the Green Island Serenade by Taiwanese and Mainlanders to explore why and how it was widely adopted. |