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国际经济法学刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

An Innovative Mechanism for China-African Investment Dispute Settlement: A New Paradigm of South-South Legal Cooperation
作者 陳輝萍
2015年成立的中非聯合仲裁中心專門解決中國和非洲大陸國家之間的經貿和投資爭議。在投資爭議解決領域,相對於當地法院和國際投資仲裁而言,聯合仲裁是創新性的機制,對中國和非洲都具有重大意義。中非聯合仲裁機制因應了中非南南投資合作的法律保障需要,是對中非南南雙邊投資條約的補充,是對當前西方壟斷國際投資仲裁的挑戰,是國際投資爭議解決領域南南合作、聯合自強的新模式。 The China-Africa Joint Arbitration Centre was established in 2015 to resolve trade and investment disputes which may arise between nationals, legal entities and authorities of China and Africa. In the field of investment dispute settlement, joint arbitration is an innovative mechanism compared with the local court resolution and international arbitration, and thus has great significance. The China-Africa joint arbitration mechanism answers the need to protect China-Africa South-South investment cooperation, serves as a complement to China-Africa South-South bilateral investment treaties, constitutes a challenge to the current Western monopoly of international investment arbitration, and becomes a new paradigm of South-South cooperation and South-South alliance in the field of international investment dispute settlement.
起訖頁 66-73
關鍵詞 中非聯合仲裁中心投資爭議雙邊投資條約南南合作China-Africa Joint Arbitration CentreInvestment DisputeBilateral Investment TreatySouth-South Cooperation
刊名 国际经济法学刊  
期數 201804 (24:2期)
出版單位 廈門大學國際經濟法研究所
該期刊-上一篇 IMF/WB財政援助政策下的非洲發展問題與新出路
該期刊-下一篇 論亞洲基礎設施投資銀行環境與社會保障政策的實施與完善──一個比較分析的視角




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