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The African Development Problems under the IMF/WB Financial Assistance Policy and Its Way Out
作者 張澤忠
近幾十年來西方發達國家為維持在全球中的經濟霸權地位,竭力通過其控制的IMF/WB向非洲等發展中國家推銷新自由主義和“華盛頓共識”意識形態體系,強迫非洲國家在接受IMF/WB財政援助時進行政治、經濟、社會政策的改革與調整。這些附條件的財政援助並未給非洲國家發展帶來預期的結果,至今大部分非洲國家的經濟收入仍然主要依賴少數初級產品或自然資源的出口,深陷債務危機,民生問題重重,發展政策空間受到極大壓縮。鑒此,非洲國家為了減少、擺脫西方援助國(及其代理機構IMF/WB)新殖民掠奪和控制,以及實現真正的獨立自主發展,需要尋找新的發展出路,尤其是要在“一帶一路”倡議下,進一步深化中非雙邊多領域的經貿合作。 In order to maintain the hegemony in the global economy, the Western developed countries have been trying to promote through their controlling IMF/WB the ideological system of the new liberalism and the 'Washington consensus' toward the Africa countries and other developing countries in recent decades, forcing the African countries to reform and adjust the internal political, economic and social policies while accepting the IMF/WB financial assistance. These conditional financial aids to the African countries haven't brought the desired development results, most African countries' economic incomes still mainly rely on the exports of a few primary products or natural resources, many countries are also under the trap of debt crisis , encountering many livelihood problems, and the development policy spaces are greatly compressed. For purpose of reducing or getting rid of the new colonial rob and control by the Western donors (and its agents 'IMF/WB'), and realizing the real independent development, it is necessary for the African countries to find new development paths, especially to deepen the China-Africa economic and trade cooperation in various fields under the' Belt And Road Initiative'.
起訖頁 58-65
關鍵詞 新自由主義財政援助政策調整與改革中非合作Neo-LiberalismFinancial AidsPolicy Adjustment and ReformationChina-Africa Cooperation
刊名 国际经济法学刊  
期數 201804 (24:2期)
出版單位 廈門大學國際經濟法研究所
該期刊-上一篇 南南合作:非中親密關係的希望
該期刊-下一篇 中非投資爭議解決機制創新:南南法律合作新模式




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