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Gu Shunzhang: The Invisible Conflict Between CCP and KMT in 1930's
作者 林威杰
顧順章被喻為中共歷史上最危險的「叛徒」,他的轉變導致當時中共地下組織面臨瓦解,遭受毀滅性打擊,差點使周恩來受當局逮捕。這一位中共歷史上重要人物,前期替中共立下許多汗馬功勞,卻在「叛變」後卻成為積極反共的先鋒。顧順章案是中國國民黨組織部調查科成立以來,對共黨戰鬥的最大勝利。因此案而遭政府處刑的中共份子不計其數,期間更有大量人員轉變投靠政府,打擊可謂不小。後來的「牛蘭共諜案」與中共中央總書記向忠發遭捕殺等案件,亦為顧案之延續,也莫乎國民黨稱其為「共黨陰謀之樞紐,對其黨內一切秘密,糜不知之詳盡」。他更為國民黨訓練特務人員,無論是「中統」組織,亦或者是「軍統」系統,許多地方皆師從顧順章。因此,顧順章可以說是國共兩黨特務系統的祖師爺。 Gu Shunzhang is marked as the most dangerous traitor in the CCP history, his mutiny brought the disastrous effect of the CCP that time, the CCP faced disintegration and striked badly, even let Zhou Enlai almost caught by the KMT authorities. Such an important person whom builded a lot of contributions to CCP but became the Anti-communist vanguard after his mutiny. The case of Gu Shunzhang was the biggest victory of fighting CCP since Investigation Department of the Chinese Kuomintang Organization Department was founded. Countless members of CCP was caught and killed by the KMT, a high number of people returned to the KMT that time, it's a blow to the CCP. The 'Hilaire Noulens spy' and the General Secretary of CCP Central Committee: Xiang Zhongfa been caught were caused by him, that'a why KMT called Gu Shunzhang as ' the hub of the CCP's conspiracy, familiar with all the secrets of the CCP.' Gu Shunzhang was training the agents for KMT, whether the system of the CBIS or BIS is taught by Gu Shunzhang, therefore, Gu Shunzhang is the originator of the system of spy for both of CCP and KMT.
起訖頁 57-107
關鍵詞 鄉鎮造產鄉村建設Rural ReconstructionTownship Productive Enterprises
刊名 政大史粹  
期數 201709 (32期)
出版單位 國立政治大學歷史學系
該期刊-上一篇 1940年代國民政府鄉鎮造產探源
該期刊-下一篇 中美特種技術合作所與戰後美國海軍援華──以撥贈剩餘船艦為中心的探討




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