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The Origin of Township Productive Enterprises of the Nationalist Government in the 1940s
作者 許惠文
鄉村建設運動盛行於1930年代,而鄉鎮造產卻是1939年新縣制推行後的產物。不論是深耕地方有成的新桂系,或者苦思如何強化地方的國民政府,鄉村建設派都是兩者請益的對象。抗戰時期國民政府推動地方建設時,也與鄉村建設派等人的往來與合作。本文即欲探討1930年代鄉村建設運動與鄉鎮造產之間的關連,比較兩者間在鄉村基層運作的淵源與異同。 The rural reconstruction movement prevailed in the 1930s, and the township productive enterprise was the result of the implementation of the new county system in 1939. Regardless whether it is the the new Guangxi Clique that is successful in local or the national government that is thinking hard on how to strengthen the local area, both parties turn to the township productive enterprise for advice. During the period of the Anti-Japanese War, when the Nationalist government promoted local construction, it also worked with the rural reconstruction faction, and others. This article explores the connection between the rural reconstruction movement of the 1930s and the township productive enterprise, and to compare the origins and differences between the two.
起訖頁 37-55
關鍵詞 近代中國中醫規範醫德醫療法律Modern ChinaTraditional Chinese MedicineNormMedical EthicMedical Law
刊名 政大史粹  
期數 201709 (32期)
出版單位 國立政治大學歷史學系
該期刊-上一篇 近代中醫對醫療規範之認識(1840-1937)
該期刊-下一篇 特務、叛變與轉變:國共鬥爭下的顧順章案




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