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The exploratory research of inter-professional competence perception through organizational climate effect to job satisfaction: Case study of medium and high-level personnel of Ministry of Health and Welfare
作者 劉宜君 (I-Chun Liu)林昭吟陳敦源 (Don-Yun Chen)賴怡樺
本研究主要以衛生福利部中高階人員為研究對象,以組織氣候為中介變項,初探組織跨專業職能認知與工作滿足感之間關係。以往關於此一主題的研究有兩個焦點,一為組織結構、員工工作滿足感以組織氣候為中介變項影響工作績效,另一為組織結構、員工工作滿足感直接影響工作績效,而過去文獻探討較少涉及因為組織結構變遷造成的跨專業問題,對於工作滿足感與組織氣候關係之討論。本研究選擇衛生福利部人員為調查對象的原因,是衛生福利部於2013年成立後,部內人員的核心職能由衛生醫療範圍擴增為社會福利服務的範疇,業務推動具有跨領域與跨專業的特質。本研究有別於以往關於組織承諾與工作滿足感的研究,聚焦於組織氣候作為中介的效果,並嘗試檢驗組織氣候對於跨專業職能認知與工作滿足感間具有系絡調節效果,探討人員對於衛政與社政專業職能的互動特質與運作困境的認知,對於跨專業職能認知與工作滿足感關係的影響,提供給衛生福利部做為未來人力規劃與訓練課程的參考。 Few previous studies have explored the issues concerning interdisciplinary professional knowledge caused by changes in organizational structure and the impact of these issues on job satisfaction. Previous studies in this field have mainly been conducted from two perspectives. One uses organizational climate as a mediating variable to study the impact of organizational structure and employee job satisfaction on job performance. The other examines the direct impact of organizational structure and employee job satisfaction on job performance. This study explores the relationship between interdisciplinary professional competence perception across the organization and job satisfaction. Staff members of the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) were used as research subjects. After the establishment of the MOHW in 2013, the core functions of its staff were expanded from health and medical to include social welfare services. Such changes in the organization have interdisciplinary and inter-professional characteristics. The organizational transformation at the Executive Yuan (Office) offers a relevant context for studying the relationship between interdisciplinary competence and job satisfaction. Therefore, this study examines the moderating effect of organizational climate on interdisciplinary knowledge and job satisfaction using organizational climate as a mediator Variable. In addition, the study examines the staff's understanding of the interactive nature and operational difficulties of health and social services delivery. Further, it explores how these have an impact on the relationship between interdisciplinary competence and job satisfaction. The findings from this research will serve as a reference for the MOHW in the implementation of future policies.
起訖頁 71-113
關鍵詞 組織氣候跨專業職能工作滿足感中介變項Organizational ClimateInter-professional CompetenceJob SatisfactionMediator Variable
刊名 台灣社會福利學刊  
期數 201812 (14:2期)
出版單位 台灣社會福利學會
該期刊-上一篇 建立國民年金保險監測機制之研究
該期刊-下一篇 老人進入日間照顧中心之基本心理需求滿足之研究──以自我決定理論分析




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