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Vegetation and Biology of Impatiens at Kuan-Wu Area
作者 曾喜育歐辰雄林志銓許俊凱邱清安
本研究針對觀霧地區鳳仙花屬植物之族群分布、植群及授粉生態等調查分析,並參考國外文獻針對本屬之繁殖生物學、植群建立、分布等特性進行探討。臺灣產鳳仙花屬植物計有棣慕華鳳仙花、黃花鳳仙花及紫花鳳仙花,均可在觀霧地區發現,主要分布於林道、步道旁等光線較充足且潮濕的環境,其中棣慕華鳳仙花侷限分布本區域,而紫花鳳仙花的族群數量最小。29個樣區之植群分析結果顯示,觀霧地區林道、步道旁之地被大致可區分成9植群型;棣慕華鳳仙花與黃花鳳仙花為主的植物社會各自歸成一群,大致反映兩者對生育地的適應差異及其生物特性。野外觀察及環境因子分析顯示,光度及水分等為影響鳳仙花之分布、族群數量、植株大小及開花數量的重要因子。因種子傳播、發芽及對環境的可塑性等特性,3種鳳仙花多呈現不連續且密集的優勢族群分布;族群分布模式除了受自力傳播的影響外,水流及人類活動等可能為本區鳳仙花屬種子二次傳播的因子。本區鳳仙花屬植物之主要授粉者為蜜蜂及熊蜂等,彼此分享授粉媒介;雖然國外之授粉生態學及閉花授粉花之資料豐富,但臺灣相關之研究仍相當缺乏。文末提供本區鳳仙花屬植物之保育經營管理建議。 This paper investigated the distribution, environmental factors, vegetation and pollination ofImpatiens at Kuan-Wu area. We also reviewed the literatures to discuss the reproduction biology, establishmentand distribution of Impatiens. Among this genus, Impatiens devolii, I. tayemonii and I. uniflora are endemic species of Taiwan. The first one is restricted within Kuan-Wu area, while the last one hasthe smallest population. The 29 understory plots of road side could be divided into 9 vegetation types.According to the importance value indices of I. devolii and I. tayemonii, most plots could be separatedinto 2 groups. Light and water regime are the important environmental factors for population distribution,plant size and flower number of Impatiens. Besides explosive dehiscence of seed dispersal, waterflow and human activity are critical factors of secondary seed dispersal. The spatial distributionpatterns of Impatiens reveal their discontinuous and mass-dominated population owing to the charactersof seed dispersal, germination and growth plasticity etc. Honey bee and bomble bee are the mainpollinators of Impatiens in which pollinators shared with each other. The pollination ecology andcleistogamous phenomenon of Impatiens are well-known objects, but its information is rare in Taiwan.The conservation strategies of Impatiens are also suggested.
This paper investigated the distribution, environmental factors, vegetation and pollination ofImpatiens at Kuan-Wu area. We also reviewed the literatures to discuss the reproduction biology, establishmentand distribution of Impatiens. Among this genus, Impatiens devolii, I. tayemonii and I. uniflora are endemic species of Taiwan. The first one is restricted within Kuan-Wu area, while the last one hasthe smallest population. The 29 understory plots of road side could be divided into 9 vegetation types.According to the importance value indices of I. devolii and I. tayemonii, most plots could be separatedinto 2 groups. Light and water regime are the important environmental factors for population distribution,plant size and flower number of Impatiens. Besides explosive dehiscence of seed dispersal, waterflow and human activity are critical factors of secondary seed dispersal. The spatial distributionpatterns of Impatiens reveal their discontinuous and mass-dominated population owing to the charactersof seed dispersal, germination and growth plasticity etc. Honey bee and bomble bee are the mainpollinators of Impatiens in which pollinators shared with each other. The pollination ecology andcleistogamous phenomenon of Impatiens are well-known objects, but its information is rare in Taiwan.The conservation strategies of Impatiens are also suggested.
起訖頁 41-60
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200709 (29:3期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 利用ISSR分子標誌探討阿里山十大功勞族群遺傳多樣性
該期刊-下一篇 社區林業應用於租地造林地之探討--以大雪山社區為例




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