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Genetic Diversity Among the Populations of Mahonia oiwakensis Hayata (Berberidaceae) Using ISSR Markers in Taiwan
作者 何坤益李武林呂福原 (Fu-Yuan Lu)
阿里山十大功勞(Mahonia oiwakensis Hayata)為小科(Berberidaceae)之台灣特有種,本研究應用簡單重複序列區間(Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat, ISSR)分子指紋技術,探討族群的遺傳結構與族群多樣性。採自臺灣自然分布之11地區共122株阿里山十大功勞樣木,使用了11個ISSR引子進行PCR反應試驗,獲得119個條帶,其中多型性條帶有61條(51.26%)。分子變方分析(AMOVA)結果,族群間變方成分是28.81%(p<0.001),族群內樣本的變方成分是71.19%(p<0.001),族群遺傳變異主要成分來自於各地族群內。就族群的遺傳變異矩陣與地理距離及海拔間所進行相關性測驗(Mantel test)之結果,並無顯著差異。POPGENE分析結果族群具有較高之基因歧異度值(H為0.3762)與遺傳分化指數(Gst為0.3942),及較低基因流(Nm為0.7684),這現象顯示族群基因流受到限制,而具有高度的基因歧異度與分化之遺傳結構;歸群與主座標分析結果,表現各地族群為不同生育地環境之影響,以致無地理空間之分布關聯。 Mahonia oiwakensis Hayata is an endemic species in Taiwan belonging to Berberidaceaefamily. The genetic diversity and geographical relationship of 122 individuals sampled from 11 nature populationsin Taiwan were examined using ISSR fingerprinting. There are 11 ISSR primers used in PCR andamplified 119 bands, 61 of themwere polymorphism bands (51.26%). AMOVArevealed that the component of variance among populations was 28.81% (p < 0.001) and was attributed to the populationdifferentiation. The component of variance within population was 71.19%, that was shown to be highsignificant (p < 0.001). Based on our Mantel test, correlation coefficients among genetic variationamong for 11 nature populations were not significant, which have not been influenced by the geographicaldistribution and elevation. Analysis of Popgene demonstrated that there are remarkable genetic diversity(H = 0.3710, Gst = 0.3942) and low level of gene flow (Nm = 0.7684). The results of this analysiswere probably due to the influence from the different environment that has not restricted the geneflow but higher promote a higher genetic differentiation. Cluster analysis and Principal Coordinateanalysis (PCOA) similarly revealed that the genetic differentiation may be caused by differentenvironments while habitat influences and space order are not be corresponding to the geographical relationships.
Mahonia oiwakensis Hayata is an endemic species in Taiwan belonging to Berberidaceaefamily. The genetic diversity and geographical relationship of 122 individuals sampled from 11 nature populationsin Taiwan were examined using ISSR fingerprinting. There are 11 ISSR primers used in PCR andamplified 119 bands, 61 of themwere polymorphism bands (51.26%). AMOVArevealed that the component of variance among populations was 28.81% (p < 0.001) and was attributed to the populationdifferentiation. The component of variance within population was 71.19%, that was shown to be highsignificant (p < 0.001). Based on our Mantel test, correlation coefficients among genetic variationamong for 11 nature populations were not significant, which have not been influenced by the geographicaldistribution and elevation. Analysis of Popgene demonstrated that there are remarkable genetic diversity(H = 0.3710, Gst = 0.3942) and low level of gene flow (Nm = 0.7684). The results of this analysiswere probably due to the influence from the different environment that has not restricted the geneflow but higher promote a higher genetic differentiation. Cluster analysis and Principal Coordinateanalysis (PCOA) similarly revealed that the genetic differentiation may be caused by differentenvironments while habitat influences and space order are not be corresponding to the geographical relationships.
起訖頁 27-39
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200709 (29:3期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 構樹苗木對光度之生理反應
該期刊-下一篇 觀霧地區鳳仙花植群與生物學之調查研究




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