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Smile of Serenity –The Movement and Spirituality of Cambodian Court Dance Drama
作者 林偉瑜
“The Smile of Khmer”—the famous smile on giant Buddha faces in Bayon—is one of the most notable Cambodian cultural emblems. A similar smile can also be found in the performance of Cambodian court dance drama. While dancing, Cambodian court dancers constantly exhibit a motionless, veiled, and mysterious smile with subtle spiritual implications, as in the Smile of Khmer. Cambodian court dance drama has long been revered for its spiritual root in religion, and highly praised for its refined techniques. However, into modern society, the dominant force of religion has waned, and the spiritual characteristics of Cambodian dance drama, which were originally religiously oriented, have been transformed into secular matters mainly related to aesthetics. It is aesthetics rather than religion that offers dancers in contemporary times a context for imagination during training as well as the source of spirituality while performing Cambodian court dance drama. Through close examination of formal characteristics of Cambodian court dance drama, including kbach and hand gesture—two major structural elements—and the energy of dance movement, this article can then unearth the substantial meaning of the dance movement with emphasis on its spiritual overtones. In addition, owing to the apprenticeship in oral transmission, the techniques of the dance drama remain nearly intact until today, despite drastic social-political changes since 1950s and severe destruction of the dance drama itself during the late 1970s. This article will discuss how the techniques of the dance drama have been preserved and how spirituality of the dance drama has been renewed through the tradition of oral transmission.
起訖頁 133-182
關鍵詞 kbach手勢高棉的微笑沉靜sampeah krukbachhand gesturethe Smile of Khmerserenitysampeah kru
刊名 戲劇研究  
期數 201507 (16期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學戲劇系
該期刊-上一篇 亞陶與土方巽:從「造反有理」到「邁向神聖劇場」
該期刊-下一篇 社區、博物館與劇場的相遇─以「夏日首陽.戲劇楊逵——戲劇教育x導覽種子」計畫為例




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