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Antonin Artaud and Hijikata Tatsumi: From “Rebel with a Cause” to “Towards a Holy Theatre”
作者 蘇子中
This paper attempts to explore the relationship between Antonin Artaud and Hijikata Tatsumi. Examining and analyzing the connection between Artaud’s thinking and Hijikata’s aesthetic viewpoint, it tries to highlight the similarities and differences between the theatre of cruelty proposed by Artaud and ankoku butoh initiated by Hijikata in terms of the notion of the body, the idea of performance, and related concepts. Both of them rebel with a cause and are non-conformists in professing and realizing their visions. Their eccentric ways of doing things not only make them legendary figures of their times but also exert long and lasting influence on future generations. This paper is divided into two parts. Part One, “Rebel with a Cause: Artaud and Hijikata,” focuses on discussing their discourses, creative methods and styles. While examining their perspectives and attitudes toward dance, theatre, and performance respectively, the first part compares and contrasts their sense of place and their creative uses of poetic images and disoriented fragments. Part Two, “Towards a Holy Theatre: Ritual, Affect, and Spirituality,” discusses the notion of the body and explores the ceremonial nature and spirituality embedded in their theories and practices. All the issues in the second part are examined within the framework of the holy theatre as defined by Peter Brook. In spite of the fact that there are a lot of resemblances between Artaud’s and Hijikata’s visions, they are two unique entities, which remain irreducible to each other. This paper is not intended to address the issue about Artaud’s influence on Hijikata, nor is it meant to be an influence study.
起訖頁 83-131
關鍵詞 亞陶殘酷劇場土方巽舞踏神聖劇場Antonin Artaudthe theatre of crueltyHijikata Tatsumibutohthe holy theatre
刊名 戲劇研究  
期數 201507 (16期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學戲劇系
該期刊-上一篇 玩物和遺民意識的形塑:論吳偉業的《秣陵春》
該期刊-下一篇 沉靜的微笑——柬埔寨宮廷舞蹈/舞劇的動作特質及其精神性




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