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Material Object Appreciation and the Making of a Loyalist’s Identity in Wu Weiye’s Moling Spring
作者 楊中薇
After the fall of the Ming dynasty, the experience of the superfluous material life in the Jiangnan area provided a shared vocabulary for many literati to express the vicissitudes of history, as well as of their own situation. The writings about material objects by the literati essentially reflected their adjustments of attitude and mind set facing the drastic changes in political climate and lifestyle during the Ming-Qing transition. Supposing the early Qing literati’s choices on political identity were not immediate, but rather were formed through more contradictions and contemplations, can we describe the process of such negotiations in a dynamic manner? This article aims to provide a way to engage in this question by analyzing the representation of material objects in Wu Weiye’s chuanqi work Moling Spring, written in 1653. By analyzing the repeated occurrences of “the most symbolic jade cup,” “model calligraphies,” and the knowledge in appreciation and collection, we shall draw out in detail Wu’s complicated mentality in adjusting his position in face of the trauma of the subversion of the Ming dynasty. In addition, I also argue that in Moling Spring, the appreciation and the exchange of objects not only served as the carrier of love between men and women in talented scholar and lovely lady romances, and as the mechanism of advancing the narrative, but also loaded Wu Weiye’s identity adjustment and trial of loyalty facing the sorrow of the subjugation of the dynasty
起訖頁 51-81
關鍵詞 《秣陵春》物質遺民意識江南文化貳臣Moling Springmaterialobjectsloyalists’ mentalityJiangnan cultureerchen
刊名 戲劇研究  
期數 201507 (16期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學戲劇系
該期刊-上一篇 從「荒誕性」析論元代文士劇--以「破衫兒」雜劇為論述
該期刊-下一篇 亞陶與土方巽:從「造反有理」到「邁向神聖劇場」




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