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An Analysis of “Absurdity” in Scholar’s Plays of the Yuan Dynasty –A Focus on the Theme of “Poshaner”
作者 李惠綿
This article studies how “absurdity” (huangdan xing) was represented in scholars’ plays (wenshi ju) of the Yuan Dynasty. In the Chinese context, the term absurdity was used as far back as the Tang poet Li Bo’s (701-762) ‘Da lie fu’ to narrate the myth in which King Mu of Zhou (976-922 BC?) chanted and drank with the Chinese goddess Queen Mother of the West (Xiwangmu). Following Li’s usage of absurdity, this article analyzes four extant plays of “Poshaner” (in shabby clothes) in traditional drama, including the anonymous Yuqiao ji, Gao Wenxiu’s Yu shanghuang, Ma Zhiyuan’s (ca.1250-1321) Jianfu bei, and Zheng Guangzu’s Wang Can denglou. The above four plays mainly narrate scholars’ failure in pursuing official positions through the civil service examinations. Scholars’ plays with the theme of “Poshaner” depict main characters, all scholars, who were frustrated in passing the exams. These plays, however, turn out to have happy endings due to some absurd turning points. Absurdity, in this article, is stated in four aspects: plot developments, coincidences and reversals, misemployment of historical figures and digression of historical facts, as well as symbolic imageries. These four plays were written over a time range of eighty years and coincidently accorded with the period when the civil service examinations were suspended from 1238 to 1315. Due to the political environment, Yuan drama was performed in the above four play narratives in the form of absurdity. Therefore, theatre featuring absurdity, in scholars’ plays of the Yuan Dynasty, to some extent can be compared with the western counterpart, the Theatre of the Absurd that occurred in the 1950s-1960s.
起訖頁 1-49
關鍵詞 文士劇破衫兒雜劇荒誕性《薦福碑》《王粲登樓》Scholars’ playsAbsurdity“Poshaner” in traditional dramaJianfu beiWang Can denglou
刊名 戲劇研究  
期數 201507 (16期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學戲劇系
該期刊-下一篇 玩物和遺民意識的形塑:論吳偉業的《秣陵春》




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