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Preliminary Study of the Digital Virtual Character Creation Techniques Applied to Costume Design
作者 王怡美
The “binary logic” era of the digital world began in 1946, with 0s and 1s at the birth of ENIAC, the first binary computer. In 1990, Microsoft marketed its first personal computer (PC) with the Windows operating system. For 30 years, PC software and programs have made tremendous leaps, initiating a revolution in viewpoint and methods of art creation. Computers have participated extensively in the process of artistic creation, and the very revolution responsible for the changes in methods and concepts of creation has also created a new way of art appreciation with novel experiences and inspiration for the audience, forming a new style of visual arts. For example, Star Wars, released in 1977 with its computer animation of special effects for space battles achieved a screen presence never attained before in battle scenes of previous movies. However, the use of computer aided (CAD) costume design systems in Taiwan would become possible only with the popularization of Prima and Modaris, CAD programs for costumes released in 1998 by the French company Lectra. With the expansion of digital technology into other domains, a 3D human body scanning system was introduced by the American company TC2 . The technique initiated the era of digital body measurements, allowing the maturation of digital costume designs from building the human shape, to fabric, panel and costume designs, and finally the molding of a digital virtual character. This research investigated the theatrical production Legend of a Lecher by the Ping-Fong Acting Troupe. The processes of costume design used on the set were analyzed. The research compared the processes of CAD and traditional hand drawn costume designs. Costume design process began with traditional hand drawn design drafts. The article documents the use of CAD software in repeated trials, experimentation, adjustments and corrections, all the way to design finalization by visualizing and molding a virtual character. Additionally, a computer aided simulation system was used to adopt the design drafts made from CAD processes to preview a simulated rehearsal on the digital theater stage. This process showed the efficiency of costume design methods with CAD technologies.
起訖頁 91-111
關鍵詞 電腦輔助設計電腦輔助模擬戲劇服裝設計虛擬人物設計Computer Aided DesignComputer Aided SimulationCostume DesignVirtual Character Design
刊名 戲劇研究  
期數 201107 (8期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學戲劇系
該期刊-上一篇 新詮的譯趣:「莎戲曲」《威尼斯商人》
該期刊-下一篇 吳蘭徵之《絳蘅秋》




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