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Wu Lanzheng’s Jiang Heng Qiu
作者 袁書菲
Wu Lanzheng's (1776-1806) Jiang Heng Qiu is the only dramatic sequel to Honglou meng (Story of the Stone) to have been written by a woman. Unfinished at the time of Wu Lanzheng’s death at the age of 30, the play was published by her husband Yu Yongji soon afterward, in a collection entitled the Lingxiang ji (Collection of Fallen Petals [or Scattered Fragrance]) that included poems of mourning for Wu Lanzheng as well as requiems (jiwen) and biographies written by Yu and his friends. Wu Lanzheng’s literary pseudonyms clearly testify that she envisioned herself as a latter-day Lin Daiyu. In this essay, I examine the ways in which Honglou meng anticipates such later incarnations of Lin Daiyu. I ask how Wu Lanzheng’s depiction of Lin Daiyu in Jiang Heng Qiu can be read in the context of her own identification with Daiyu, and argue that she writes against the notion of affective contagion that typically characterizes female readers of Honglou meng, envisioning as an alternative an orthodox qing (qing zhi zheng) that helps to modulate grief. Finally, I suggest that Honglou meng creates an anticipatory referentiality. Reading Jiang Heng Qiu in the context of the Lingxiang ji, we see how literary reference might be anticipatory, that is, how it might describe an as yet unrealized instantiation of the presences described in the world of the book.
起訖頁 113-137
關鍵詞 吳蘭徵《絳蘅秋》《紅樓夢》戲曲《紅樓夢》續書情之正Wu LanzhengJiang Heng QiuHonglou meng sequelsHonglou meng dramaorthodox qing
刊名 戲劇研究  
期數 201107 (8期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學戲劇系
該期刊-上一篇 數位虛擬人物形塑技術應用於戲劇服裝設計初探
該期刊-下一篇 中國戲曲在西方歌劇中的重生與變容——試論中國戲曲元素在一九八七年大都會歌劇院《杜蘭朵》歌劇製作中的符號分析




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