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American Orientation: Historicizing Male Homosexuality in 1970s Taiwan Literature
作者 紀大偉
This article contributes to theorization of literary history. It views literary historyas a seemingly linear temporal narrative which the spatial other interrupts. Focusing on1970s Taiwanese literature, I note that the spatial other is the actual or imagined US,which loomed large over Taiwan during the Cold War. Inspired by Sarah Ahmed’s QueerPhenomenology, I study the correspondence between spatial orientation (in this article,orientation toward the US) and sexual orientation. I adopt the term “American orientation”to refer to the fact that gay men as represented in 1970s literature are not onlyattracted to the US as a promised land but also defined by the allegedly all-Americanknowledge of male homosexuality, such as the pop psychology of perversion. This articleexamines not only male homosexual characters in texts but also those who supposedlyobserve homosexuality, namely narrators in the texts as well as commentators (suchas Yeh Shih-tao) on the texts. The article further suggests that this American orientationmobilizes not only the literary characters but also real-life critics. Both groups areobsessed with the tension-cum-cooperation between the actual or imagined US as anexporter of homosexuality and Taiwan as a recipient of the “vice” from abroad. Determinedby the US-Taiwan tension-cum-cooperation, the characters and critics encounterthree alterities: national alterity (such as a Taiwanese person in the US or an Americancommodity in Taiwan), sexual alterity (embodied by a homosexual person either in theUS or in Taiwan), and temporal alterity (such as a willful prospect of the future or anindulgence in the stigmatized past, all of which deviate from the linear time of heteronormativity).
起訖頁 51-87
關鍵詞 林懷民楊牧叢甦光泰葉石濤宋澤萊Lin Huai-minYang MuTsung SuKuang TaiYeh Shih-taoSung Tse-lai
刊名 台灣文學研究學報  
期數 201410 (19期)
出版單位 國家臺灣文學館籌備處
該期刊-上一篇 主觀的真實──論台灣現代主義世代小說家的國共內戰書寫
該期刊-下一篇 當神話變成了歷史──1990年代台灣原住民族歷史建構與文化政治




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