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鵝湖學誌:中國哲學及西方思想研究 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Self-discipline and Freedom: The investigation of the Denotation Regarding the Academic Contestation Between Keng Ting-hsiang and Li Zhuo-Wu
作者 袁光儀
There had been a protracted academic controversy between the late- Ming Dynasty's scholar Keng Ting-hsiang and the one who was deemed as the heretical edgy thinker Li Zhuo-wu, but they ended up seeing each other eye to eye and had mutual respect and affirmation for each other in their late years, therefore what exactly is the meaning and significance of its contestation, truly worth ponder exploration. In fact, both of their debation regarding “Confucian Ethical Codes” (名教) and “True Mind” (真機), encompassed the true idea of Yang Ming's “Xin Freewill (意志自由), True Mind) is Li(ethical self-discipline (道德自律), Confucian Ethical Codes)” spirit, moreover they stressed that there's unsolvable conflict among “freedom” and “self-discipline” while carrying it out on the practical level. Keng Ting-hsiang's learning can be seen as the combination of noumenon and endeavor (本體與工夫), he states that “Confucian Ethical Codes” is to master the spirit of Confucianism's ethical self-discipline and emphasized the practice of “do the goods, banish the evils” (為善去惡). On the other hand, Li Zhuo-wu had a higher persistence on “True Mind” than “Confucian Ethical Codes”, he insisted on pure “will of self-discipline” (意志自律) and absolute respect for “freewill” of the others, forasmuch he focused on stating the realm of “Achieving Oneness with the Myriad Things” (萬物一體) and the practice of eradicating all blindfold obedience and greed. Both Keng Ting-hsiang and Li Zhuo-wu's learning is indeed the heir of Yang Ming that had thorough understanding of the “Xin is Li”, yet people failed to understand it properly and eventually it leads to annihilation, therefore this paper tried to clarified.
起訖頁 37-73
關鍵詞 耿定向李卓吾自律自由陽明心學Keng Ting-hsiangLi Zhuo-wuSelf-disciplineFreedomYang Ming's Xin studies
刊名 鵝湖學誌:中國哲學及西方思想研究  
期數 201212 (49期)
出版單位 鵝湖月刊社
該期刊-上一篇 由「成聖」看荀子的「為學步驟」
該期刊-下一篇 羅近溪之家庭哲學




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