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東吳日語教育學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Taiwanese Language Education during Japanese colonization-Focus on teacher training institute and “Kokugo School”
作者 江秀姿
At the beginning of Japanese colonization, in circumstance of language impassability for mutual intention understanding, Japanese has become first important business to spread. At the same time, it’s also necessary for the Japanese teacher to learn Taiwanese. Because of the influence of the teaching method called “Translation Method” on education site, the first Japanese teachers under the Japanese ruling were required to learn Taiwanese. We also can see the Taiwanese language curriculum was installed in the teacher training course of “National Language School” (Kokugo School). Accompanied by times, we would like to try investigating the Taiwanese language education for the Japanese teacher whether how it changes. On the one hand, in order to promote public and private matters business smoothly, we can see the Taiwanese studying and research of the Japanese other than the teachers. In order to understand the actual condition of the teaching of Taiwanese language education at that time, we will analyze both of them.
起訖頁 49-79
關鍵詞 台語教育講習員(日本統治初期的日籍教師)教員講習所國語學校師範部土語(台語)Taiwanese language educationJapanese teacherteacher training institute“National Language School” (Kokugo School)teacher training courseTaiwanese
刊名 東吳日語教育學報  
期數 200707 (30期)
出版單位 東吳大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 含有情態成分之テイル‧テイタ及其習得
該期刊-下一篇 日文請託信文脈分析




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