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The Agreement between Human Relations and the Honorifics to be Used-A case Study in “Minna no Nihongo” (Everybody’s Japanese)
作者 尾崎学
This paper is a study on the agreement relations between persons involved and the honorific used on the basis of the textbook ‘Minna no Nihongo’ (Everybody’s Japanese). As a result of the study, it became apparent that, although many examples of the 3rd person honorifics were presented there, the person in the position of the speaker, the listener, or the 3rd person was not always clearly expressed in sentences. Based on this fact, I proposed here that, in dealing with the Japanese honorific system, we should (1) first present the concepts of uchi/soto (ingroup/outgroup) and of intimate/non-intimate relationships and then (2) take up the work of clarifying the interacting persons to whom honorifics apply, by exposing the persons within each sentence. I also proposed as a task for teachers a method of precisely illustrating the agreement relationships between persons using diacritic marks, underlines, and frames.
起訖頁 23-57
關鍵詞 第三者敬語內‧外概念親‧疎關係概念人稱的提示符號‧下底線‧框線3rd person honorificsthe concepts of uchi/sotothe concepts of intimate/non-intimatepresentation of personsdiacritical marksunderlinesframes
刊名 東吳日語教育學報  
期數 200507 (28期)
出版單位 東吳大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 接尾詞「的」的語基在語意上的制約
該期刊-下一篇 日中同形動詞之誤用與學習——以中日兩語在文法上之分歧為主




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