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Using Museum Exhibition on Environmental Education: A Case Study on 'Utilizing of Water Resources' Exhibition in National Science and Technology Museum
作者 黃嘉郁
「科學博物館」泛指以科學相關議題為主要展示內容的社會教育機構;科學博物館的展示設施同時具有科學教育與環境教育的功能。學校教師指導學生運用科學博物館進行科學學習的同時,亦可將科學博物館的展示設施與學校課程相互結合,使學生在運用科學博物館的各項資源時,同時亦能獲得環境相關知識,因此科學博物館在「學校課程環境化」的過程中,佔有相當重要的角色。本文除探討科學博物館的環境教育功能、學校課程環境化的理論,以及科學學習與環境議題教育間的關係以外,並以現行國中理化與地球科學為例,以科學工藝博物館(以下簡稱科工館) 「水資源利用」為主軸,說明學校各科課程進行過程,如何與科學博物館的展示設施相互結合,提供有意從事環境教育推展的學校教師課程進行參考之用。
Science museum is an education institution which displays objects and information related to science. These exhibits are designed to offer content which is rich in scientific and environmental education. Teachers can oversee their students as they utilize the museum and its facilities to carry out projects that help them learn about science, using the museum's displays to complement the resources available in schools. Moreover, as students use the museum to learn they can be exposed to knowledge about the environment around us, so that the museum plays a key role in 'environmentalizing' classrooms and courses. This article discusses the science museum's capabilities in environmental education, the principle of 'environmentalization' in the classroom, and the relationship between scientific studies and education in environmental subjects. It also takes high school courses in physics, chemistry and the earth sciences and looks at them in light of the Natural Science Museum's 'Utilization of Water Resources' exhibit, explaining how the school courses are carried out and how they can be linked to the materials on display in the museum. The ideas presented here should be noted by all teachers who want to develop the ecological content of their school courses.
起訖頁 47-61
關鍵詞 環境教育科學博物館科學工藝博物館(科工館)學校課程環境化environmental educationNational Science and Technology MuseumNatural Science Museumenvironmentalization of school courses
刊名 科技博物  
期數 200003 (4:2期)
出版單位 國立科學工藝博物館
該期刊-上一篇 科技在博物館導覽媒體及教育環境之應用
該期刊-下一篇 環境因素對科工館觀眾參觀動線之影響




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