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Searching for the Songs without Recording and Ordinary Musicians : A Brief Reflexion on the Taiwanese Hit Music History Writing
作者 朱夢慈
This article will discuss the difficulties and their potential solutions in the historical research of musics, which have no written or recorded objects, like Taiwanese hit music. Here, hit music refers to the English popular music introduced by the American military presence in Taiwan during the cold war. Pirated records and the live performances of ordinary musicians were the ways to disseminate this music at that time. Taiwanese hit music is not a matter for academic discussion due to the lack of original material (since it mostly consisted of covers), and scholars hesitate what could be the analytical texts. This article tries to indicate the significance of hit music study and dig its history from two approaches: one, finding the collective memory in the oral history of ordinary musicians, and looking for the “lieux de mémoire” in their symbolic discourses; the other, “popular cultural archives”, a new form of archive in digital era constructed by internet “playbour”, which result in writing down everyday life and representing the past, intentionally or not, through their information exchanges.
起訖頁 49-63
關鍵詞 熱門音樂無名樂人去經典集體記憶大眾文化檔案Hit MusicMusiciens OrdinairesDe-canonizationCollective MemoryPopular Cultural Archives
刊名 南藝學報  
期數 201706 (14期)
出版單位 國立臺南藝術大學
該期刊-上一篇 獨白或對話:影像檔案操作策略下個人記憶與集體記憶的辯證
該期刊-下一篇 亞瑟‧丹托「藝術終結後」美術館屬性轉變的理論再思:以1993年惠特尼美術館雙年展為例




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