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The study of Kang hai and Wang jiu-si’s comment in the Ming Dynasty dramatic commentary
作者 盧柏勳
In Ming Dynasty dramatic commentary, Kang Hai and Wang Jiusi were often combined in commentary. This article mainly seeks to research the commentary on Kang Hai and Wang Jiusi by various dramatic commentators, in conjunction of theory and the works so that they can serve as mutual evidence to clarify the rightness or wrongness of the commentary. There are three main areas of exploration: first, to comment the satirical subjects in Kang and Wang’s qu; second, to evaluate the musical pitch of Kang and Wang’s qu; third, to evaluate the linguistic creation and styles of Kang and Wang’s qu. The engagement with these three dimensions can more clearly reveal the accomplishments and orientation of Kang Hai and Wang Jiusi in the qu field during the Ming dynasty. Kang Hai’s The Wolf of Zhongshan variety show and Wang Jiusi’s Du Fu Buys Wine and Roams in the Spring variety show had generally been considered in Ming Dynasty dramatic commentary to be satire with allusions. However, based on literature and historical materials and on investigations of their relationships, it is the author’s belief that The Wolf of Zhongshan variety show was not limited to satire of a fixed subject. As for the allusions of Du Fu Buys Wine and Roams in the Spring variety show, there were too many coincidences between terms in the opera and reality, thus making it difficult to avoid associations. Although Kang and Wang both emphasized familiarity with musical pitch in writing qu, but there were inevitable shortfalls in rhymes and word sounds. Li Kaixian and Wang Shizhen both pointed out corrections in an effort to make the musical pitch harmonious and aurally pleasing. In terms of sentence pairing structures, Wang Jide criticized Wang Jiusi’s [Two Melodies, Water Fairy] “Reply Rhyme on the Mat to the Snow” for poor pairing. After reviewing the musical notation and The Complete Collection of Yuan Dynasty Qu, the author believes that Wang Jiusi had deliberately rewritten places that did not need to be paired, resulting in unsteadiness. As for commentary on linguistic creation and styles of Kang and Wang’s qu, commentators were generally divided into the view that Wang was better than Kang and the view that Kang and Wang were equals. Commentators who asserted that Wang Jiusi was better than Kang Hai believed that Kang Hai’s linguistic creation was bold, used the classics purely, and lacked embellishment, while Wang Jiusi was reserved and proficient at constructing ideas. Commentators who believed that Kang and Wang were equally good tended to combine them in commentary, referring to them as contemporary elites with different strengths and weaknesses.
起訖頁 75-110
關鍵詞 康海王九思明代曲話戲曲理論戲曲史Kang HaiWang JiusiMing Dynasty dramatic commentarytheory of Chinese operahistory of Chinese opera
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201606 (22期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 明人品讀《金瓶梅》的文人視角--以序跋及崇禎本評點為考察對象
該期刊-下一篇 大定、明昌文苑之冠--金代王寂詞之情感意涵及創作心態析論




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