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Dading, Mingchang era literary crown-Jin Dynasty, Wang Ji his poetry emotional meaning and creative mentality of the analysis discussed
作者 陶子珍
Poet Wang Ji is Jin Dynasty of the mid “Sejong Dading” to “Zhang Zong Ming Chang” Dynasty (AD 1161-1195 years) outstanding writer. Currently Tang Qui-Zhang " Quan Jin Yuan Ci " into Wang Ji's poetry series has 35. Besides, "Si Ku Quan Shu.Zhuo Xuan Ji" recorded in Volume 4, in addition to a collection of errors, compared with the " Quan Jin Yuan Ci " more a poem, so the Wang Ji's poetry total 36, should be present in the mid-Jin Dynasty poems retain the most people. Wang Ji's poem of the outpouring of emotional meaning, there are four: (a) the feast paid to sing for joy; (b) the roam rushing sufferings; (c) the separated acacia grief; (d) the dull without seeking the free and easy. From the emotional reactions of his poems and self-awareness, you can understand the mentality of its creation features, summarized as follows: First, the national power chengping: pilgrimage sense of pride; Second, hang around brothels: cynical excursion habits; Third, wonderful year to pass the exam: diligently serve the country's will; Fourth, was demoted far exile: depressive mood uneven; Fifth, the full reading world: seclusion Masquerade thoughts. Wang Ji the "Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism," the three religions into one idea as the basis for the creation of literature, his outstanding achievements in poetry, Jin Dynasty poetry for the medium term to open up a more colorful the situation.
起訖頁 1-43
關鍵詞 金代詞人王寂情感意涵創作心態Jin DynastypoetWang Jiemotional meaningcreative mentality
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201606 (22期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 論明代曲話對康海、王九思之評議
該期刊-下一篇 《黃侃日記》中季剛先生及其女婿潘石禪的相處事例研究




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