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Chinese Langauge and Serving the Great: The Training of Choson Interpreters of Chinese Language and the Transformation of Chosǒn's Diplomatic Policy to Ming Dynasty
作者 羅樂然
The policy of "Serving the Great" 事大政策 is the main political objective of Choson Dynasty (1392-1910) during the early period and they actively remained the better tributary relationships with Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). However, language was one of the estrangements for the Choson envoys talked with the local Chinese when they were visiting Beijing. Therefore, they established Sayokwon (司譯院 Ministry of Interpretation) to train the "Yokkwan" (譯官 Official Interpreters) of Chinese language to carry out their tributary responsibilities and duties during the envoys trips to Beijing. Although Yokkwan were the middle class in Choson Dynasty, their duties were highly appreciated by the kings and senior officers. But current scholarships overlooked their historical significance on the Choson policy for diplomatic affairs and foreign intercultural relationships. So, it was needed to identify the role and experience of Choson Yokkwan during Ming Dynasty to understand how Yokkwan influenced to the changes of Choson's policy of "Serving the Great" in the era of Ming. This article will utilize the official documents of Choson Dynasty such as "Chosonwangchosillok", "Sungchongwonilki", "T'ongmun'kwanji" and "Gyongkuktaechon" as well as the personal records of the envoys to explain the system of Choson interpretation and the "Han-hakYokkwan's" activities in Choson diplomatic affairs. The elaboration will be used to understand how the "Yokkwan's" position changes were interrelated to the changes of Choson policy to Ming Dynasty. The research outcomes not only understood the Ming-Choson relationships changing, but also re-affirmed the cultural and political roles of Choson "Yokkwan" in Ming-Choson relationships.
起訖頁 109-136
關鍵詞 事大關係司譯院漢學譯官明-朝鮮關係Relationships of Serving the GreatSayokwonHan-hak Yokkwan Ming-Choson Relationships
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201412 (19期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 學法造反──〈侯元傳〉對於遊歷仙境小說的承繼與創構
該期刊-下一篇 論台灣廟志之篇目結構及其功能




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