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Acquire Spells and Rebel: The Inheritance and Creation of "Hou Yuan Legend" on Novels about Touring Fairyland
作者 李昭鴻
"Hou Yuan Legend" originated from Huangfu Mei's "San Shui Xiao Du" in Tang Dynasty. It continued the tradition of novels about touring fairyland that initiated from Six Dynasties. Through Hou Yuan's unusual circumstance of encountering the fairies, the book explained the process how Hou Yuan acquired spells and proclaimed the thought of blessed land in Taoism. After acquiring spells and returning to the earth, Hou Yuan realized the differences in time calculation between the fairyland and the earth, but the gap was not wide enough for him to activate the motivation to devote himself to Taoism. Instead, he used spells to rebel, which broke through the stereotype of meeting fairies in the legends of Tang Dynasty. In light of this, the present paper first explored the conceptual skills on spatial scenery, time motif and returning plots during the fairyland experience in "Hou Yuan Legend", and then concluded that Hou Yuan's failure in rebellion was attributed to his neglect of mandate from destiny and his character flaw. The inheritance and creation of novels about touring fairyland and the implications that the author intended to convey were presented. Furthermore, the influence and importance of "Hou Yuan Legend" to literature of later generation were also carried out.
起訖頁 85-108
關鍵詞 學法造反〈侯元傳〉《三水小牘》仙境小說傳奇小說Acquire spells and rebelHou Yuan LegendSan Shui Xiao Dunovels of fairylandLegends
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201412 (19期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
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