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A Study on Lai Hui-chuan's Application of Proverbs to His Bamboo Poetry
作者 歐純純
Lai Hui-chuan applied colloquial language and proverbs to his bamboo poetry, which is one of the main tones of his creation. In order to investigate how were proverbs applied to bamboo poetry, this paper probes into three aspects of Lai Hui-chuan's application of proverbs to bamboo poetry-content presentation, manifestation, and writing features. The findings are divided into three projects as follows: 1) Lai Hui-chuan's life attitude and philosophy of life can be understood from the content of application of proverbs to poetry; 2) the differences in creative motivation from "Men Hong Mo Xie" to "Su Men Hong" Mo Xie can be understood from the manifestation of application of proverbs to poetry; 3) We observed that Lai Hui-chuan attached to folk literature inflection and offers the arenas for fusion of folk literature and literary writer. Moreover, the application of a large number of proverbs to poetry to present implications and "additional reasons" reflects the current social status and criticizes the morals of people. Such creation goal and writing technique are the values and features of his bamboo poetry.
起訖頁 39-84
關鍵詞 台灣文學民間文學竹枝詞俗諺賴惠川Taiwanese literatureFolk literatureBamboo poetryProverbsLai Hui-chuan
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201412 (19期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-下一篇 學法造反──〈侯元傳〉對於遊歷仙境小說的承繼與創構




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