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A Slight Adjustment in “Single-mindedness”: Yu Yue’s View on Women and the Social Implication Presented in You Tai Xian Guan Bi Ji
作者 李昭鴻
Yu Yue is a renowned scholar in Jingxue studies in late Qing dynasty and also reaches prominent achievement in novel creation. His You Tai Xian Guan Bi Ji covers wide ranges of materials and reports oradinary life in various areas, which provides unique viewpoints on the exposure of social phenomenon in late Qing. In particular, Yu Yue pays long-term attention to women issues; although the stories about women reported in You Tai Xian Guan Bi Ji mainly center on the first four volumes and are mostly excerpted from Er You, it conveys the implication of reasserting and emphasizing its significance. Basically, Yu Yue inherits the thinking of “privilege on men” and uses traditional etiquette to confine women and makes them move toward the paragon of dutiful daughter, chastity women, gentle wife and virtuous mother. Its connotation, however, parades a merciful attitude toward the spreading of women’s pursue of autonomy of marriage under the principle of single-mindedness. It comments on the issue of women’s willingness to marry a dead man, regret of marriage or elopement with a heartier perspective. It implies that through the process of cautiously choosing the mate, the powers from parents and match makers are weakened, and the thought that women can dominate their marriages is strengthened. Therefore, when they are asked to follow single-mindedness, it becomes fairly reasonable. Accordingly, Yu Yue’s view on women can be realized, and the social phenomenon reflected in the stories can also be served as references for the research on histories of marriage and society in Qing dynasty. In light of this, the value of You Tai Xian Guan Bi Ji is highly manifested.
起訖頁 97-125
關鍵詞 俞樾右臺仙館筆記耳郵婦女觀從一而終Yu YueYou Tai Xian Guan Bi JiEr Youview on womenSingle-mindedness
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201212 (15期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 「衰殘悲冷之境」的距離觀照與美感昇華——李商隱詩超脫生命悲感的藝術境界
該期刊-下一篇 《說苑》弘揚「孔子」所採行之體例研究




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