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The distance observation and aesthetic sublimation of the declining and sorrowful circumstances —The artistic realm of surmounting life sad feeling in Li Shang Yin’s poems
作者 呂怡菁
Li Shang Yin,s poems have the characteristics of deep affection, which is mild and indirect and abstruse, opening one kind of boundary in addition for the Tang poetry. Howere, the cold and dreary as well as sorrowful emotion color, and the obscure as well as misty poetry style also brings the negative appraisal acthally. Thus, this article try to discuss Li Shang Yin,s poems with the angle which sublimates from the mind and mood. The main point of this article is: The pessimistic emotion in Li Shang Yin,s poems, except is one kind of mood condition, but also the way and the manner which the poet facing difficult position. This question resolves itself into the following three categories. First, the rationality and logical thinking behind the sorrow in Li Shang Yin,s poems. Secondly, the characteristic about the distance observation of self-sorrow in the poems. Thirdly, the purification and sublimation of sorrow, and the special aesthetics orientation of the appreciates way of facing remnant and feeble things in the poems. On these viewpoints, we may conclude that Li Shang Yin,s poems try to blooms the brilliance diligently in the disappointed region, and he made an attempt to contemplate the deterioration picture by the aesthetic sense. On the whole, Li Shang Yin,s poems reach the artistic boundary which surmounting the sorrowful feeling of life.
起訖頁 55-96
關鍵詞 晚唐詩距離觀照淨化美感昇華藝術境界The Late Tang Chinese poetrydistance observationpurificationaesthetic sublimationartistic boundary
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201212 (15期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 《荊楚歲時記》中的人日節俗論略
該期刊-下一篇 微調「從一而終」——從《右臺仙館筆記》論俞樾的婦女觀及其呈顯的社會意涵




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