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A Discussion of the separate period meaning of Han-Yu's pros
作者 王基倫 (Chi-Lun Wang)
It would improve our better understanding of a complete works if we separated a period of time of an author. But we could rarely see Han-Yu's(韓愈) prose separated by periods through his poetry. So we must raise some questions about Han-Yu's prose: Whose separated periods was correct? Were the separated periods of Han-Yu's prose as same as his poetry? What was the regularity of separating a period? What was the meaning of separated periods of Han-Yu's prose? According to the discussions of separated periods of Han-Yu's poetry, this paper also separated three periods of Han-Yu's prose based on his quite changed life. The first period came from birth to 803, before he was banished from the capital to Yang-shan(陽山) . The second period came from 804 to the spring of 813, before he wrote the article named jin-xue-jie(進學解) . The third period came from March, 813 to 824. It was clearly evident that Han-Yu's life was quite changed and also his own writings style was changed. The three periods of Han-Yu's prose was established. We found the characteristics of the first period included three aspects: 1. Han-Yu wrote many letters that he desired a position at the central government. 2. Han-Yu's prose at this period was ancient, normal and peaceful style. 3. Han-Yu used his writings to revive Confucius scholarship and to do it with his whole life. The characteristics of the second period also included three aspects: 1. Han-Yu wrote many letters and inscriptions. 2. Han-Yu stated his views of literary criticism very little, and he wrote the majestic, grotesque, highly changeable literary style with a confident bearing. 3. Han-Yu associated with Buddhists and Taoists under the influence of them. But he offered violent controversies in his writings. And the characteristics of the third period also included three aspects: 1. Besides many inscriptions, Han-Yu wrote many memorials to the throne and funeral orations. 2. The style of writing was very fine at his old age. He wrote with circumstances alter cases when he needed to adopt different literary forms or subjects. 3. Because his frame of mind was changed, his writing style was changed, too. Han-Yu's prose at this period was peaceful, amiable, careful and discreet style.
起訖頁 49-66
關鍵詞 韓愈韓愈散文分期陽山進學解Han-YuHan-Yu's proseseparate periodYang-shanjin-xue-jie
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 200512 (1期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 三分歸晉前後的文化宣言——從左思〈三都賦〉談南北文化之爭
該期刊-下一篇 析異觀通靈活出入─—以熊十力「二對學術資源之運用」為例




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