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Analyzing the Difference, Digesting Thoroughly, and Applying Flexibly —with Reference to Xiong Shili's 'Application of Pair of Academic Resources'
作者 王汝華
在遍寫憂患的近代中國,以體用哲學的建置、內聖外王之學的開展,返本開新之學的顯揚,展現亮麗的學術成績,亦為當代新儒學的發展底定根基的黃岡熊十力先生,在其畢生治學歷程中,曾經苦參實究,博採中外今古、出入儒釋道、廣徵經史諸子、取益時賢師友。然而素來主張「夏蟲井蛙,學者宜戒」的他,終能秉其敏銳的思辯力,去門戶而尚宏通,提煉出一己獨到之學。本文旨在由其多元的學術資源中,擇取來自於清末民初的「康有為與章太炎」、來自於宋明的「朱熹與王陽明」等二對資源,透過熊十力原典的檢視,相關文獻的察考,並佐以現代學者的若干論點,藉觀其究竟如何取資融會 、參稽互校、評騭析辯,並驗文題「析異觀通,靈活出入」八字,確非空穴來風 。
In contemporary Chinese literatures that focus on misery and hardship, Mr. Xiong Shili of Huanggang, by constructing function philosophy and developing perception and pioneering thoughts, advocated the learning of retracing the traditions and exploring the modern, and showed outstanding academic performance, thus, set the foundation for contemporary Confucianism. In his life of scholarly research, he studied international researches of the present and past, referred to Confucianism and Taoism as well as ancient books, and consulted a variety of people. Insisted on the concept of 'a scholar shall not confine one's thoughts as a frog in a well', Mr. Xiong Shili employed his keen ability in thinking and debating to incorporate different sects while removing their boundary, and refined his knowledge into original learning. This paper chose the academic resources of 'Kang Youwei and Chang Taiyan'of late Ching Dynasty and early Nationalist Government, and 'Chu Si and Wang Yang-ming'of Song and Ming Dynasties, reviewed the original work of Mr. Xiong Shili, examined related literatures, and supplemented with arguments of modern scholars, in order to explore the comprehension, cross-examination, and critique, as well as to verify the authenticity of 'analyzing the difference, digesting thoroughly, and applying flexibly'.
起訖頁 67-87
關鍵詞 康有為章太炎朱熹王陽明格物致知本心Kang YouweiChang TaiyanChu SiWang Yang-mingGe Wu Chi Chi (to study and nature of things)conscience
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 200512 (1期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
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